What is Kids Soul Coaching All About?
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  • Writer's pictureMisti Fae

What is Kids Soul Coaching All About?

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Matrix Survival Guide Kids Soul Coach

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are divine God Source spark born into 3d to experience a unique perspective to further evolve consciousness. Who is not drawn to the innocence and purity of a new born, a baby, a child? We innately know in the presence of a baby that we are in the witnessing something miraculous, divinity and somehow, it reconnects us with our own innocence and purity.

Although as incarnating beings, the rule of the 3D Matrix is that we must veil this divine consciousness, to execute soul contracts in freedom, and balance karma the risk, the “enjeu”, is the over-identification with the identity. The danger or indeed, the trap is the avatar that we’ve taken on for a lifetime experience, will get lost in the 3D Matrix, lose the knowing of a divine world and our connection to Source.

The world’s systems including multigenerational lineages of wounded parents (wounded inner children) becoming unconscious and unhealed parents, unknowingly condemn a soul to carry and try to heal heavy burdens that don’t even belong to them. Science calls it genetics, and others call it balancing familial karma, the universal law of equilibrium or even multigenerational curses. This is already a heavy task, then add on dysfunctional and distorted scholastic educational systems, religious/cult indoctrinations, the poison pumped in through our food, water, air, and corrupt economic, medical, and governmental systems. The probability of getting lost in the Matrix is quite high.

The other, not so pleasant reality of our times, which has existed sadly for much longer in time than we’d care to admit, is paedophilia both what happens in families, and more jolting, is the worldwide black market, satanic cult, organ, blood, sex trade networks supported by, to put it in blunt and simple terms, global elites psychopaths, and “Pedo(Holly)wood”. The very sad truth is and it has been hidden in plain sight, and more, and more, political agendas are normalizing it, and encouraging it. This is outright defiance, and a disregard of what is holy and sacred. Most are in cognitive dissonance due to the Mockingbird media, or in denial or just turn a blind eye. Yet, parents and other family members “sell” their children into satanic cults and sex trade. (See Teal Swann’s story, and now many others linked to Epstein Island)

I’m guessing if you’re visiting this site and interested in “Matrix Survival Guide Kids Soul Coaching, you may be aware of this, may have direct experience, or are at least your curiosity is peaked. If not, I encourage you strongly do some research off the mainstream media forums, for example, try this one www.timballard.org. In the next, few months to few years, this will be all too clear. Please contact me if you’d like some other leads and although, I won’t develop this child sex trafficking aspect here, I consciously choose NOT to ignore or deny human trafficking/slavery, and the fact that the effect of any form of abuse has on the life of the abused is devasting not only for the child or person experiencing abuse but has repercussions on society and world at large. We often spend life times or at least big chinks of a life, trying to resolve these issues which deviate us from living the joyful and fulfilled lives we intended before incarnating. Then, the viscious cycle continues: Hurt people, hurt, the abused, abuse-often unconsciously, often sadistically…

On a both intuitive and very practical level, children are our future. What kind of future can we hope for, if childhood innocence is robbed and violated on a mass scale or in the minimum, we, unintentionally from our own unhealed wounds, hurt our children and give them inappropriate tools to navigate this world? The soul fragments from trauma and the individual loses access to these parts that create distortions that may show up as dis- ease, dys-functioning on multiple levels or simply, a feeling, like I had as a kid, that something is just not right, something is “off” in this reality. The medical world labels it, all kinds of terms like multiple personality disorder, bipolar, depression, schizophrenia and largely treats it with Big Pharma meds which alienates or stigmatizes, whereas the energy medecine healers would perceive it as a soul fragment, and meditatively, journeys to reconnect this fragment part, which could be from this life or another, as we tend to repeat lessons until they’re fully integrated. The energetic-shamanic approach is more inclusive.

There is a positive side to all this, and that is, higher consciousness beings have been incarnating over the past several decades with the mission of raising the vibrational level on the planet. They are known as Starseeds, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children. Many are sent to “clean” genetic lines, and therefore, could have extremely challenging karma to resolve and transmute. They soul contract to take on heavy duty karma in the goal of helping consciousness evolve and ascend humanity to higher dimensions and planes of existence. They are indeed orchestrating the shift from 3D earth to 5D.

The above explains the why and the inspiration (spir = spirit- taking in Spirit) for Matrix Survival Guide Kids Soul Coach. Since we often have karma to resolve with the parents we’ve chosen to incarnate through (yes we do that but forget), and even though we love them, and they us, it sometimes helps to have another perspective from outside the dynamic to guide us through challenges. Again, Kids Soul Coaching is not for improving “academic” learning in a 3D antiquated educational system but supporting their inner soul space and remaining connected to Source.

A special thanks to conscious parents who intend to guide their children and are lucid enough to know that it does take a whole village-which has grown to include family and friends all over the world via the resource of the internet.

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