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Kids Soul Coaching

Matrix Survival Guidance Kids Soul Coaching

1 h
50 euros

Service Description

Incarnating at this time is not for spiritual lightweights. Indeed, this is the choice of many souls, however, the reality here on Earth is that there are dark, lower vibrational energies that thrive off of keeping us in fear, suffering and in the cycle of reincarnation, continually prolonging our spiritual growth and our return HOME to our heavenly parent’s house. These dark entities prey on the brightest, most pure, and closest to the divine:our children.As the Earth is going through the labor pains of ascension, incredible warriors of light are incarnating to increase this world’s frequency. This Kid’s Soul coaching is intended to give simple tools and soul survival techniques to keep the knowing of their DIvine essence and their mission on Earth. This is intended to assist them in spite of possible multigenerational unhealed wounds passed down, toxic parenting and education systems, as well as nutritional, religious, medical and governmental impositions. This is for kids around age 7 and up, who are highly sensitive, awake, and struggling in one way or another hopefully with conscious parents who see this and want to guide. This is not intended for coaching school work, however, the tools and skills that are made conscience could help on that level as well. There are 4 parts: soul, heart, mind, and body. Each part could take 3 to 4 one hour session. The child’s interest and willingness to participate will decide the rhythm, and length of each session which could be as little as a half hour and up to an hour. We'll draw, create, visualize, use fairytales, fables, other stories, games and roleplays playfully. 1-Infinity to Baby contacting inner baby= they're kids, so instead of contecting their inner child, they'll contact with their inner baby. Budha belly breathing, visualization, calling on protection, the book Bunny Planet. 2-Emotional Smarties: Getting in touch, naming, coloring emotions, learning about the energy centers, what to do with energy in motion, healthy discharge, use of fairytales to see what characters might be feeling in their circumstances. 3-Thought Transformation Magic: Infinite possibilities game, changing places game, when my thoughts hurt me, when I'm criticized, takes one to know one, projections, attitude of gratitude-gratitude clover, learning I statements, fables- who does they way a character think effect what they do. 4-Feeling Safe in our Bodies and Celebrating Change: body boudnaries and celebrating change.

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