Love your Enemies: the world scene
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  • Writer's pictureMisti Fae

Love your Enemies: the world scene

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

Sensing that world events would become quite interesting and educational in terms of loving your enemies on the world level, I have waited a while to do this third and final blog on the theme. I invite you to have a look at my 2 previous blogs on loving your enemies, the first one, the enemy within, and the second, the enemy in everyday relationships with the Karpman triangle. A review of those, would be to remind ourselves, what the masters have said on the topics, many of which I included in the previous 2 blogs/videos.

Concerning the enemy within, that we ourselves become our own worst enemy, it’s said: “There is no enemy outside our soul. The real enemies live within us: anger, ego, hate and greed” Buddha. The following quote from a Mandinka Senegalese Proverb seems complementary: “If there is no enemy within, the enemy without cannot do any harm”. All that is within us gets projected outward, as above so below, or as below, so above.

The enemy perceived outwardly in our relationships is then “all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in selfish pursuit of their own happiness or satisfaction”, Buddha. If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friend, you talk to your enemies.” Desmond Tutu. “It is easy to love your friend, but sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is to love your enemy,” Sun Tzu. In my second blog, I, also, elaborated upon the Karpman triangle, or the suffering cycle that creates the victim, bully, and savior. Each of these roles tends to happen when we get stuck in an egoic position or stance, either through diminishing or exhaulting (victim, bully respectively) or bypassing the other or stealing the other’s opportunity for growth as a Savior.

In order to understand the enemy on the world scene, one has to understand that thought forms in a collective take form. This is known as an egregor. What, precisely, is an egregore? Wikipedia explains: “Egregore is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people. Historically, the concept referred to angelic beings, or watchers, and the specific rituals and practices associated with them…

More contemporarily, the concept has referred to a psychic manifestation, or thought form, occurring when any group shares a common motivation—being made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of the group. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a juridical person or legal entity) and the meme.”

Dealing with “enemies” on the world level is even complicated because we’re not just confronting individuals, couples, and families but larger entities like nations, religions, culture, movements, and political parties that large collectives adhere to thereby nourishing the thought form and the entity reciprocates by nourishing the individual who feels a sense of belonging. But what if we no longer adhere, or grow out of the way the groups think or just simply want a different experience? The relation is symbiotic, if you pull out, this thought form feeds off emotions, and that is usually when, the one leaving is ostracized, scapegoated, stonewalled, alienated and, to use a popular culture term, “cancelled” for their choice, or position that goes against the egregore. This can be very challenging for an individual especially if their identity or sense of survival becomes co-dependent on the egregore.

This is the majority rules or bull mentality which uses strength and force in number but is innately, exclusive of minority or dissenting voices. This was observed with the censuring of the President of the United States and many of his political party and supporters by Big tech because his narrative clashed with theirs. Another current news example, the recent demonizing of those who don’t want to be vaccinated. In both cases, we can see how the apparently more dominate egregore makes life difficult for those who dissent and speak out against it. The lower frequency “demonizes, then divides and conquers” activates and in short, we devolve instead of evolving.

The following native American tale supports the idea of fueling the positive and starving the negative with where we focus our energy.

The Story of Two Wolves

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

In our high tech, screen dominated, live through the virtual, mainstream media-controlled world, where we are continually bombarded with information, deciphering the truth from lies is difficult. What is the truth? Is it only subjective? How do we discern? Whom do we trust? The topic of the truth merits several volumes, but the short answer is yes, the truth is knowable. That is according to Dr David Hawkins who wrote the Power vs Force. Power being the inner power (so our God spark) Force as an imposition applied from the outside that denies our freedom.

The body doesn’t lie, muscle testing or kinesiology shows this by staying strong or firm when it affirms a truth or something positive for us, and it goes weak for false, negative or when something in not good for us. The questions must be asked as closed questions only, so questions with yes or no as an answer. It is possible to do this with oneself, but it’s important to be centered to not influence the outcome. That is why it is better to have someone else muscle test. Another possibility is to use a pendulum.

He developed a scale from 0 to 1000 of the various consciousness levels. It explains the GOD and Life view, the level of consciousness, the rate (0-1000), the emotion linked to each level, and the process. This work merits much more exploration, I highly recommended David Hawkins books and there are videos available on youtube. Power vs Force and any book by David Hawkins is a spiritual warrior’s must have.

All levels below 200 are destructive in life both for the individual and for society at large. All levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power.

The evil wolf describes qualities below 200 and the good wolf has qualities above 200.

True leaders inspire loyalty versus imposters who inspire fear. Look at what is happening now on the World level. Those who are still pushing COVID, masks, injection are pushing fear. Fear is only at 100, it contracts, separates thus its process is withdrawal, ie lockdowns, social distancing, and hiding expressions with masking, forced injections of an experimental falsely called a “vaccine”. These measures in turn have draconian rules that totally override human rights and our sovereign humanity.

They dis-EMPOWER humans by forcing them into compliance and slavery. Those who implement these measures don’t care about you, are literally psychopaths incapable of empathy who lie, distort, and invert reality so that bad is good, and good is bad. They do the “evil” deeds point the finger so they can have someone to blame. They consider themselves superior to the rest of humanity, so their entitlement allows them to have rules and punishment for the rest of us, and they’re not counted in the rules they impose. It is said they actually feed off of fear a low frequency energy that fall below the consciousness level of 200.It’s even called Loosh. If we look around or watch TV, we can see that the majority of the world’s population functions in the lower consciousness levels.

Here’s the sad part, the vast majority is apathetic, indifferent, ignorant, or like in the Matrix, prefer to give their personal power and freedom away and be told what to do in order to maintain something that is made to seem like freedom but isn’t. Even more astounding is we were all horrified, thought what happened in the Nazi takeover of Europe was unbelievable when we lived it or learned about it. That is where the Nuremburg Accords, which reinforced our human rights to especially prevent human experimentation, were created.

Yet, in 2021 in mass, mediatized hysteria for clearly a bioweapon virus that didn't kill more people than the flu, that is only and if you can trust the numbers of the number of deaths reported as covid, has always had a cure that costs nothing so it’s suppressed. Then, the experimental injections were rolled out and boosters pushed that have killed and maimed people for life. In a denial of our God-given rights, countries all over the world imposed “vaccine passports” which excluded people who chose freedom not to have the experimental injection for the very reasons stated in the Nuremberg accords, to be treated EXACTLY how the Jews were treated by the NAZIs.

Today in the fall of 2023 we are being once again confronted with war and terrorism with the war in the Middle East. How can it be that we are allowing this to occur? Where is our responsibility in this? Where are we still complying with and plugging into the slave master's game? It’s genocide, again, and we’re repeating history, we’ve learned absolutely nothing from our past, and we’re repeating it unconsciously or by willful ignorance.

What tools does the enemy use on the world level? The short answer is the same as the enemy within each of us: Lying to ourselves and others; the superiority-inferiority complex not seeing that the sun shines on us all EQUALLY, forcing and coercion, psychological and quite literal enslavement, going against our free wills, and divide and conquer so separatism and isolation.

What is the antidote? For lies, deception it’s truth and honesty. The truth shall set you free. The superiority-inferiority is just another way of saying the bully-victim. The antidote for that is the observer/witness consciousness, inner balance and equanimity and JUSTICE. Seeing that we, and all that is, are equal under God and we are FREE sovereign beings, mini-Gods in training each one experimenting their own unique perspective. Unity-Oneness consciousness is the antidote to divide and conquer, we are all One and where we go all we go one.

It is time to return to seeing virtues and wholesome values are normal, common sense and to stop normalizing vices. So, we can’t play the victims to these bullies of the highly organized and evil kind. Nor can we hope that we’re magically going to be saved because “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” but not in a victimized or bullying way.

Many will say, we know, we see all that but on a very practical level, what can we do?

I’ll end this and answer with a practical hands-on transmutation of low vibrational energies, and I give all credit to Sandra Ingerman. I asked the universe just last night what we do and how do we know we’re healed.

This video appeared in my youtube options: It’s called transforming your toxic thoughts. In it she says we’re all connected and One (see above). Any and all thoughts go out into the collective, even our loved ones and even when it’s not directed at them specifically.

We are the pollution; we create toxic psychic energy that goes out into web and collective. The environmental crisis is all of US and our disconnection from the Divine Mother Earth.

Sandra takes you on a shamanic journey but essentially, here it is: 1. Recognize and feel the emotion linked to the toxic thought. 2. Ask your higher self, guides, GOD to transmute the energy of “????, ie anger” into love and light for the highest good of all. And if you receive something from another, transmute how it make you feel into love and light.

Matt Kahn would say then to bless them with the positive, high vibrational energy, so “may you be blessed with an abundance of love”.

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